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Research Grants – Center for Research on Cognition and Behavior

Research Grants

Our research is financed by the National Science Centre, the Foundation for Polish Science and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany).

Current projects

SONATA 17 Grant “Egocentric judgements of moral character: Mechanisms, individual differences and debiasing strategies” (2022-2025), (PI: Bocian) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)

GRIEG Grant “Integrowanie psychologii z nauką o rozwoju społeczeństw: Badanie zależności między “potocznymi teoriami rozwoju społeczeństw” a “idealnymi typami dobrostanu” zakrojone na pięćdziesiąt krajów” (2021-2024), (PI: Roczniewska) finansowany z funduszy norweskich i funduszy EOG (operator NCN)  na lata 2014–2021 w ramach programu „Badania” (konsorcjum IP PAN, Uniwersytetu SWPS i Uniwersytetu w Oslo)

“Job crafting interventions − what is required for employees to be able to design and redesign their work?” (2020-2022), (PI: Roczniewska) financed by Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (Forte)

OPUS 17 Grant “Indywidualizacja zwierząt i jej związek z instrumentalnym traktowaniem zwierząt przez dorosłych i dzieci” (2020-2023), (PI: Niemyjska) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)

Seedcorn Grant “Human and nonhuman agents as a source of social pressure for judgments of moral character”, (PI: Bocian) financed by European Association of Social Psychology (EASP)

PRELUDIUM 16 Grant “Wpływ zaangażowania interesu własnego na sądy moralne dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym” (2019-2020), (PI: Myslinska-Szarek, Baryla) financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)

MINIATURA 2 Grant “Wykorzystywanie paradygmatu konformizmu normatywnego w domenie sądów moralnych”, (2019-2020), (PI: Bocian), financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)

OPUS 15 Grant “Poszukiwanie mediatorów i moderatorów wpływu postaw oraz nastrojów na oceny charakteru moralnego”, (2019-2021), (PI: Bocian), financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)

BEETHOVEN 2 Grant “Understanding the Cognitive Representation of the “Big Two” Dimensions of Social Cognition”, (2018-2020), (PI: Wojciszke & Bruckmüller, Co-investigator: Parzuchowski), financed by the National Science Centre (NCN) and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Germany)

PRELUDIUM 9 Grant “Role of regulatory orientation of a person and organisational culture and work design in response to organisational change”, 2016-2019 (PI: Roczniewska), financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)

MINIATURA Grant “Attractiveness of a permanent partner and friend as a moderator of establishing sexual relations in friendships between men and women”2018-2019 (PI: Szymków-Sudziarska), financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)

Past projects

SONATA Grant “Sympathetic magic in close relationships”, 2015-2019, (PI: Niemyjska), financed by the National Science Centre (NCN)

MISTRZ  Grant Influence of own interest on moral judgements, (2012-2014) PI: Wojciszke (contractors: Bocian, Parzuchowski, Szymków), financed by Foundation for Polish Science

MAESTRO Grant “Psychological consequences of the perpetrator’s and recipient’s perspective, (2012-2017) PI: Wojciszke (contractors: Baryła, Bocian, Parzuchowski, Szymków), financed by National Science Centre (NCN)

Visiting Grant at University of Cambridge “Attitudinal Influences on Moral Judgment”, (2017) PI: Wojciszke, financed by Foundation for Polish Science

ETIUDA 3 Grant “Psychological consequences of regulatory adjustment in the context of 2015-2016 organisation” (Columbia University, New York, PI: Roczniewska, financed by National Science Centre (NCN)

The British Academy’s Research Awards “How to get women into engineering? The use of embodied cognition as a buffer against media-based prejudice”, (2015-2016 ), (PI of the Polish part of the project: Szymków-Sudziarska)

The FRBN Grant “Implementation of the SONA system”, (2016-2018), (PI: Parzuchowski), financed by the SWPS University

OPUS Grant Functionality of romantic love in an intercultural perspective (2014-2017) (PI: Sorokowski, main contractor: Wojciszke), financed by National Science Centre (NCN)

OPUS Grant “Role of cognitive resources in the process of unconscious Grant of information processing” (2010-2012), (PI: Sterczyński, contractor: Popławska-Boruc),  financed by National Science Centre (NCN)

OPUS Grant Deprivation of control and (inter)group relations and political cognition, 2015-2018 (PI: Kofta, contractor: Niemyjska),  financed by National Science Centre (NCN)